In 1980, a young man embarked on a journey in the field of Ayurveda. Dr. S.K. Singh dedicated his life to healing the ailing with his vast knowledge and unwavering passion. His vision was to provide natural remedies to the masses and strengthen their natural healing power. And after 36 years of hard work, he transformed his dream into reality by founding Curista Drugs & Pharmaceuticals with his children.

The makers of Curista Drugs & Pharmaceuticals have expertise in Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, and Naturopathy. They offer a wide range of natural healthcare and personal care products. Each product undergoes an intensive R&D, manufacturing, and testing process that meets international standards. Curista Drugs & Pharmaceuticals provides a one-stop solution for all health and beauty needs.

Curista products are prepared with natural ingredients to ensure that they are healthy and safe for your skin and body. They do not suppress problems but eliminate them at the root. The company follows the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) process for all its products, and they are certified by WHO-GMP, HACCP, and ISO 22000:2018.

At Curista, we combine the power of natural herbs with advanced technology to create products that work wonders. Our mission is to help people achieve good health and beauty without worrying about any side effects. We believe in quality, and our commitment to excellence is reflected in every product we offer. Choose Curista Drugs & Pharmaceuticals for a healthier, more beautiful you.

Curista – “Invented For Healthier Tomorrow”